Its leaves are thick and leathery, and its scaly bark flakes off to reveal orange patches. Very similar to your picture, but with a slightly narrower blade, and slightly longer seed. Sycamore maple is native to Europe and central Asia. If you are looking for a large, long-lived yard tree, both maple and sweetgum are good choices. Maple and Sycamore trees are a widely diverse species of trees and they are well-suited to every sized garden and space. The American plane tree, or sycamore (P. occidentalis), also known as buttonwood, buttonball, or whitewood, is the tallest, sometimes reaching a height of more than 50 m (160 feet).Its pendent, smooth, ball-shaped seed clusters usually dangle singly and often persist after leaf fall. Leaf, leaves, sycamore, tree, maple icon Open in icon editor. Here is a picture of the seeds of A. pseudoplatanus:. Should I plant a fruit tree or flowering? Sycamore maple can also be seen with curly or quilted grain patterns.. Grain/Texture: Grain is generally straight, but may be wavy. Sycamores have the largest trunk diameter of any tree in the United States. Color/Appearance: Unlike most other hardwoods, the sapwood of maple lumber is most commonly used rather than its heartwood.Sapwood color ranges from almost white, to a light golden or reddish brown, while the heartwood is a darker reddish brown. ... ripening from buff-green to yellow or red. There are numerous well-known tales and legends like this Hungarian one. Maple Forestry is a challenging and exacting science, and most who are in the business ... (From a weight standpoint, sycamore is more similar to big leaf maple.) Common names: Maple leaf sycamore, London plane tree, American sycamore. These two species of maple are sometimes confused. Here are a few more things to note if you’re flirting with the idea of adding a sycamore tree to the family. sycamore-leaf-benefits 10 Best Health Benefits Of Sycamore Leaf. To identify a sycamore tree, look for a tree with a wide trunk and a large, dome-shaped canopy. Red Maple vs Sycamore Maple. This is a premium icon which is suitable for commercial work: Use it commercially. Sycamore Maple Tree, dark green, thick, leatherlike leaves that grow 3 to 6 inches wide; Common Uses for Sycamore Trees. Similar Images . Both are hardwoods, much prized by furniture makers. Flowering and fruiting occurs year-round, peaking from July to December. sycamore, leaf, tree, nature, color, fall, maple, season, autumn, plant, colorful Public Domain Acer Trees. Its origin is presumed Egyptian, but may well date back even further. The color of the upper side of a sycamore leaf is a darker green than the lower side is and the leaves will go to a brownish hue come autumn, with some staying on the tree almost until winter begins, before falling off. Compare the facts of California Sycamore vs Big leaf Maple and know which one to choose. The leaves on a sycamore tree have 3-5 lobes and toothed edges. The wood, the flowers and seeds are quite different. The dangling clusters of small yellow flowers are slightly showy in spring. An easy way to distinguish the field maple is by the leaves, which are much more rounded than those of the sycamore and Norway maple. Both have serrated leaf margins and frequently have reddish-tinged petioles, samaras, and other features. There are numerous factors to consider with each tree. If you are confused and cannot decide whether to plant American Sycamore or Big leaf Maple here are I think it would be fine for a guitar neck. It is from the american plane tree. Sycamore vs. The European sycamore (acer pseudoplatanus is named so because the leaves are similar to the plane tree leaves. In North America, both are more common around urban areas, although Norway maple is more common. Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Norway maple (Acer platanoides). European sycamore (sycamore maple/acer pseudoplatanus) has a janka hardness of about 1050 compared to 1450 for hard maple, but sycamore is used extensively for stringed orchestral instrument necks and backs. The leaves are eaten by caterpillars of a number of moths, including the sycamore moth, plumed prominent and maple prominent.