It grows up to 6 inches tall in puffy clumps. Short grass helps the St. Augustine seed germinate. When you’re trying to prevent weeds and unwanted grasses in your lawn, the best offense is a good defense. It is such a prolific nuisance that there are multiple sprays and chemical control... 5 Tips for Creating Beautiful, Low-Maintenance Flower Beds. In this blog post, we’ll explore those. However, while zoysia does have some great qualities, it is still subject to the climate, and it will become more high-maintenance and sensitive in colder regions. Your lawn needs to be roughed up a bit to prepare for new seed, whether it's zoysia grass seed or a cool-season species used for winter color. A common choice for overseeding zoysiagrass lawns is ryegrass, which comes in both annual and perennial forms and grows quickly. Overseeding benefits a lawn that is already healthy, but needs to be thickened. Read our complete guide to establishing and maintaining a healthy zoysia lawn. If your zoysia grass is as dense as most, the fescue seed will be caught on the leaves and will not contact the soil at all. Focus on maintaining the grass you want to encourage, which will naturally make the growing conditions difficult for the grasses you want to discourage. Zoysia is a yellow/green grass that creeps low to the ground, while fescue grows in tall, deep-green bunches. Choose a Grass Seed. A common choice for overseeding zoysiagrass lawns is ryegrass, which comes in both annual and perennial forms and grows quickly.However, it also competes with the established lawn for water and important nutrients, and can cause more harm. ", Types of Grass That Can Be Planted in Late Fall & Early Winter, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources: Overseeding Your Lawn, Clemson University Extension Home & Garden Information Center: Zoysiagrass, Warm-Season Grasses | Choose the Right Grasses, Missouri Botanical Garden: Lawn Problems: Zoysia Grass, The United States National Arboretum: Turfgrass Questions and Answers, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension: Zoysia Grass Lawn Calendar, Clemson Cooperative Extension: Zoysiagrass Maintenance Calendar, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources: Rough bluegrass — Poa trivialis. Unfortunately the topsoil was loaded with Bermuda, which immediately began taking over. The leaves are coarse textured and light green. The best thing you can do to maintain a healthy zoysia lawn over winter is to overseed and use a cold weather grass type for the winter months. 05-31-2017, 11:42 AM This turf does not tolerate cold winter temperatures. For 17 years, she worked for a Fortune 500 company before purchasing a business and starting a family. Repeat application of Golf Course Starter or Renovator 4 weeks later. Zoysia and fescue can overlap in the middle part of the southeastern U.S. Parts of Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi can be too humid for fescues to thrive, although they may linger in shady portions of older lawns. Unlike corporate website companies, the authors on this website regularly use many of the tips and recommendations provided in their own garden and lawncare. You can now water less frequently, but give the new grass a deeper drink. Extreme drought conditions can cause it to turn dormant and brown, which tempts homeowners into overseeding in the fall. Spread 8 to 10 pounds of grass seed on each 1,000 square feet of your lawn to make sure you have enough coverage. Zoysia seed needs lots of sunshine to germinate and the shade cast by existing grasses prevents the sun from reaching the seed. I brought in 60 yards of top soil 4 years ago and plugged Zoysia. Besides, centipede grass is easier to maintain, unlike other types of grass. Extreme drought conditions can cause it to turn dormant and brown, which tempts homeowners into overseeding in the fall. If your existing Bermuda grass lawn is partially shaded, overseeding with shade-friendly zoysia may help to keep your entire lawn green and attractive through much of the year. If you’ve centipede grass that is patchy or with bare spots on the lawn, you can overseed it with fescue or zoysia grass as the warm season comes to an end. It should take about a week for the new seed to germinate. Pros of overseeding with ryegrass The cold weather grass (usually tall fescue) will spring to life in winter and let the zoysia rest, only to go dormant in summer when your zoysia comes back to life. Fescues are one of the top choices for shady lawns, so direct, southern sun can leave fescue looking washed out and patchy. They are what will help break down your thatch layer. Phil, this Phil agrees. To be successful, mow regularly to allow the zoysia seedlings to receive sunlight and avoid being crowded. Here in Oklahoma it is common to overseed the warm weather grasses with fescue so that you have a nice green grass over the winter.I actually have found that a verticutter is the best machine to use when overseeding and they can be rented at most larger equipment rental stores. Zoysia is a warm-season grass, which means it has a creeping growth habit that allows it to quickly fill in patches of bare soil. Whether Zoysia is right for you depends on where you live, your lawn care goals, and how you use your lawn. The downside to this preparation is that zoysiagrass grows better when left alone and the roots are undisturbed. But with zoysiagrass, there are other factors to consider. A coarse grass, it grows in various soils but prefers sun over shade. Zoysia grass is known for its ability to stand up to heat, drought, heavy foot traffic and a variety of other challenges. While the soil plugs may look unsightly to you, don’t remove them! Zoysia is a warm season grass and does go dormant during the winter months in northern states. Zoysia is most active during the summer, while fescue tends to be more active during the spring and fall. Always use "SHARP" mower blades for best results. As with anything, there are pros and cons of overseeding with ryegrass. ft. If your zoysia lawn has other health issues, those need to be addressed first or the new seed is a waste of time and money. The Bermuda grass must be controlled until the zoysia can establish itself. Fescues are cool-season grasses, which means they tolerate cold winters, but may suffer during hot, dry summers. Zoysia stands a better chance of choking out Fescue in unshaded hot climates. Aerating the yard -- using a special tool to punch holes in the soil to allow water, air and light to reach the grass roots -- is also recommended to encourage overall lawn health. Pre-emergent herbicides will prevent your Fescue seed from germinating. Her past writing experience includes school news reporting, church drama, in-house business articles and a self-published mystery, "Duty Free Murder. I spent a year battling the Bermuda, then gave up. The front yard looks like shit and has zero curb appeal (unless you are REALLY into dandelion tea). Sydney has over 15 years of experience in lawn maintenance, landscape design, and organic gardening. Hi, I’m Ley Pickens with Super-Sod. Overseeding benefits a lawn that is already healthy, but needs to be thickened. Zoysia will generally not choke out fescue in deep or moderate shade. Aerating and verticutting the yard prior to overseeding is recommended. Overseed with Zoysia in June. Forum discussion: Long story short, I want to move soon. … Zoysia will choke out fescue in sunny or lightly shaded areas of the lawn in regions with hot summers and mild winters. However, it also competes with the established lawn for water and important nutrients, and can cause more harm. In addition, fertilizing the ryegrass may make the turfgrass more easily winter-damaged. In one of our previous videos we looked at starting a new tall fescue lawn from scratch by seeding into a bare seedbed. Zoysia generally requires 10 fewer mowings per growing season than the average Bermuda grass lawn. Be sure you do not apply any pre-emergent herbicide prior to overseeding your Tall Fescue lawn. Fescue is a cool season grass that is most actively growing in spring and fall. You will also need to rake the yard first to remove any buildup of dried, matted grass known as thatch. Here Are The Facts. The one agreed upon warm-season grass that can tolerate overseeding is Bermuda grass, while experts are divided on whether zoysia grass can recover from overseeding. She has an A.A.S. St. Augustine vs. Zoysia: Which One Is Right For Your Lawn? Which type of grass seed you choose depends on your existing grass type. Wear Tolerance. You sure can.. However, it is possible that in some regions, one may invade portions of the other. Thereof, can I overseed my lawn with zoysia? Thriving Yard is an affiliate for companies including Amazon Associates and earn a commission on qualifying purchases. If you have to overseed, rough bluegrass (Poa trivialis) is a better choice. Step 1 You will see planting rates recommended as low as 1 lb. Overseeding Zoysia With Fescue By Rona On December 16, 2018 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Removing zoysia gr from your cool how to grow zoysia gr from seed compare zenith zoysia gr compadre is bluegr fescue or ryegr best when to overseed bermuda gr best lawn for overseed. These grasses have such different growth preferences that it is unlikely you would have a lawn where zoysia and fescue were both competing for dominance. It is the only zoysia species with seed available commercially. Drought Tolerance. Zoysia can tolerate light shade, but it cannot tolerate the deep shade where fescue thrives. It can thrive in shaded, cool and wet areas, but is short-lived; it does not like the wear and tear of lawn use, or the heat of summer. Zoysia grass is capable of growing in moderate shade while Bermuda grass struggles when not grown in full sun locations. WIll Zoysia choke out Fescue? Amazon has put together some great Home Holiday Guide Deals - save money and get your holiday shopping done! Fescue vs. Zoysia Fescue or Zoysia Comparison Zoysia vs Fescue. But you will need to overseed with another grass that is compatible with zoysiagrass and will grow in your area. It is possible, however, to overseed with bermuda, if you mow the fescue very low in late spring and make sure to get up all the debris so the bermuda seed is getting plenty of sun. There are four types of fescues: tall fescue, creeping red fescue, chewings fescue, and hard fescue (source). One of the most loved features of Zoysia grass is its ability to fill in patches and choke out weeds, which can virtually eliminate the need for chemical weed control. © Copyright 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. per 1000 sq. Zoysia thrives in hot weather, although it will go dormant before most other warm-season grasses during droughts. You may have an areas of fescue that doesn't look good now, but if you replace it with zoysia and you are in a cooler season zone your lawn will look dead all winter. Thriving Yard is a privately owned website. Lush, colorful flower beds increase curb appeal while attracting bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Caution: Don't use a pre-emergent herbicide! So it will be like tug of war but the zosia will win. Avoid drowning the seed when you water it; instead, water lightly two times a day. The problem you have is fescue is a cool season grass and zoysia is a warm season grass. If you worry it, you will probably have bermuda; if you turn your back on it, you will have zoysiagrass. 2. per 1000 sq. Zoysiagrass grows too thickly to allow ryegrass seed to penetrate to the soil and germinate. Now that the zoysia or Bermuda grass is gone, we’re ready to start seeding the yard. Pick a time in September to overseed the lawn. Less hardy than Japanese lawngrass, Manilagrass (Zoysia matrella) has finer textured blades, but is also less cold-tolerant and grows slowly. IF you (Homeowner or professional) can correctly prepare the site, plant at correct depths, fertilize regular, mow regular and provide irrigation to the site it is possible to obtain a successful stand with 1 lb. Any tips would be appreciated. Zoysia Grass Types They are usually a blend of several hybrids that offer different qualities. If you need a grass variety to plant in partial shade, such as beneath a tree, fescue will probably do better. link to How to Keep Crabgrass Out of Flower Beds, link to 5 Tips for Creating Beautiful, Low-Maintenance Flower Beds, complete guide to establishing and maintaining a healthy zoysia lawn, Growing Tall Fescue In Difficult Soil: Renee’s Success Story, Will Zoysia Grow In Clay Soil? Zoysia is touted as a low-maintenance, all-purpose, wondergrass that may even eliminate the need to care for your lawn at all. Keep in mind that Zoysia is very slow-growing, so it can take about 2-3 years to completely take over these other grasses. Zoysia, also called zoysiagrass, is a warm-weather turfgrass from Asia comprised of several different species, the most common being Zoysia japonica. in Landscape Design/Organic Produce Production from the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. I realize it may take time but in years past I took a really scraggly fescue lawn and made it into something nice. This helps you will have success with a wider variety of site and soil conditions. I actually have some zoysia in my yard and this fall I overseeded it with fescue and it is doing great! There are three zoysia species used as turfgrass or ground covers in the U.S. Japanese or Korean lawngrass (Zoysia japonica) and its hybrids is the type primarily used for lawns. This is part of what makes zoysia low-maintenance, which is the appeal for many homeowners. Some lawn owners overseed bermudagrass with annual ryegrass. Zoysia and fescue have completely different growth habits. If your zoysia lawn has other health issues, those need to be addressed first or the new seed is a waste of time and money. Overseeding a lawn with Zoysia is challenging. You may need to mow the lawn twice to achieve a grass blade that is an inch in height. Fescues have a bunching growth habit, which makes it difficult for them to fill in and choke out weeds. This site is a participant in affiliate programs such as Amazon Associates and earns from qualifying purchases. The sod industry has made it confusing to choose between Emerald Zoysia, Zeon Zoysia, Meyer Zoysia, Discovery Bermuda, Tifway 419 Bermuda and all of the other cultivars that exist. She is a regular freelancer for "Living Light News," an award-winning national publication. In its optimal growing zones, this tough grass can deliver a beautiful, dense lawn with very little input from you. It prefers USDA zones 7 through 11. Phil. Overseed using the Grass Pad seed of your choice and fertilize with Golf Course Starter or Renovator. Mow the grass at a low setting, but do not take off more than one-third of the grass blade. Besides the lower cost of seeding Zenith Zoysia, there's the time factor. It is hardy in United States Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 to 11. ft. If it makes a difference, you can lightly rake across your lawn to … Even the more desirable “turf type” Fescue is the heaviest maintenance lawn type for our area. All fescues have slightly different growing regions, but they generally thrive from the northern U.S. border down to mid-Texas. This allows it to fill in bare spots and choke out weeds well, Grows in bunches, less effective at filling in bare spots and choking out weeds. Can overseeding do the trick? Overseeding centipede grass with fescue or zoysia grass will improve the appearance of your lawn. Zoysia is a tough grass that requires a clean cut to look good. Buy Zoysia plugs that are guaranteed to grow or replaced free (link to Zoysia Farms). Ryegrass is often used to overseed lawns in the Southwest during the colder months while our Bermuda grass and zoysia grass is sort of hibernating. While zoysia can thrive during the hot summers of this region, it may be too damaged from cold winter temperatures to fill in or choke out fescue during the growing season. Examples provided of tested products are actual products owned, tested, and used regularly by the author. Merely overseeding will not work because the zoysia is a warm season grass, that is most actively growing in the summer when fescue is struggling to stay alive in the heat. Mow it when it reaches 2 inches tall, and keep it around that height. Spreads through above-ground stolons and below-ground rhizomes. Click Here to see the latest deals (link To Amazon). Zoysia will generally not choke out fescue in deep or moderate shade. If you want a slow-growing Zoysia grass, then minimal or no fertiliser is recommended. That said, bermudagrass is the only warm-season grass that can usually overcome the stresses of overseeding. So overseeding can damage the health of the existing lawn. The Carolinas, Tennessee, West Virginia, and parts of Missouri can have cold winters, which can lead to freeze damage in zoysia lawns. 3. Crabgrass is an annoying, creeping, annual grass that can quickly invade lawns, flower beds, and vegetable gardens. But with zoysiagrass, there are other factors to consider. Take a good look at your lawn. When switching from a Bermuda grass lawn to a emerald zoysia lawn by overplanting instead of stripping and then replanting, emerald zoysia plugs are your best option. Product recommendations not personally owned are based on the author’s knowledge of the company, product, reliability, and reputation. You'll have to keep the fescue mowed short (1 inch) to prevent overshading … How Long Is the Germination Time for Bermuda Grass Seed? Zoysia will choke out fescue in sunny or lightly shaded areas of the lawn in regions with hot summers and mild winters. Reel mowers can be gradually reduced to 3/4 to 1/2 inch over time. On the other hand, if you mow the zoysia low enough to expose the soil, the zoysiagrass is very likely to have substantial winter-kill from cold weather. Run a soil test two weeks prior to overseeding. Why We Don't Like Zoysia Plugs. By the way, I live in northeast Alabama and have large oak trees in both the front and back yards, and the zoysia does not grow at all beneath the canopies. Read more on why we don't sell Zenith Zoysia as plugs: Pull the Plug on Zoysia Grass Plugs! Zoysia grows well throughout the southeast and the southernmost areas of California through Texas. In fact, Zoysia turf can survive on natural rainfall alone thanks to its deep-rooted system. Lori Lapierre holds a Bachelor of Arts and Science in public relations/communications. Mowing it to a length of 1 inch is recommended to allow enough light for seed germination. Fescues are also susceptible to diseases in humid climates. In warmer climates, zoysiagrass still turns brown during winter dormancy; so overseeding in the fall can give your lawn some green during the winter months. If you hate to mow but want a grass-like ground cover for small areas, consider planting Mascarenegrass (Zoysia tenuifolia), also known as Korean Velvet Grass or Snake grass, hardy in USDA zones 8 through 11. Mascarenegrass also thrives in shady locations, unlike other zoysia species. You can always take a sample of your lawn to a local nursery to determine what type of grass you have if you are unsure. If you have to overseed… And remember to overseed with zoysia grass seeds to encourage new growth and recovery. Zoysia grass reviews published by the National Turfgrass Evaluation Program (NTEP) reveal that the top-rated cultivars are 'Emerald' and 'Zorro.'. Zoysia grass is more drought-tolerant and water-efficient than Couch, Kikuyu and Buffalo varieties. 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